New judicial access to the civil status register, Minister Balla signs the Instruction with Commissioner Dervishi -

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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.


Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.

New judicial access to the civil status register, Minister Balla signs the Instruction with Commissioner Dervishi

Tirana – The Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla, and the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Protection of Personal Data, Besnik Dervishi, signed today the Instruction that addresses a new situation created as a result of developments in the country, with the creation of several new institutions, but also the advancement of technology. The Ministry of Interior, through the Civil Status Registry, is the institution responsible for the storage of citizens’ data, which are regularly requested by judicial institutions.

Minister Balla underlined the importance of this document, pointing out the concrete contribution of the Commissioner’s Office in the process of Albania’s accession to the EU. Commenting on the signed document, Minister Balla said that an important obligation has been fulfilled, which has to do with defining the institutions and all the bodies that receive personal data from the Civil Registry Service, for the manner, type and amount of information they receive. paying special attention to the protection of personal data. This draft directive includes several new institutions that play a key role in the implementation of the law and the protection of personal data, such as KLGJ, SPAK, BKH, AMP, etc. These institutions will have precise and customized access based on the relevant legislation for the protection of personal data.

“The purpose of this directive is to improve the procedures of the civil status service. Specifically, the new policy will ensure that the Civil Status Service is more transparent and provides the necessary information to these institutions in a secure and controlled manner. The directive also includes improvements to the data verification process to ensure the integrity and security of shared information. Technology integration and legislative changes are another innovation of this Directive. This initiative includes new provisions related to the use of technology in electoral processes, which are important for increasing the reliability and efficiency of democratic processes in our country. In the preparation of this instruction, the comments of various institutions were taken into account and integrated so that the document meets all legal requirements and protects the rights of citizens,” said Balla.

The Minister also called on citizens and the media to support this initiative, which is essential for improving the transparency and credibility of the institutions.

Commissioner Besnik Dervishi stated that a very careful process had been completed regarding access to civil registry data, which he considered a model process.

“I take this opportunity to thank the DPGJC, the staff, and you personally for this correct and careful process, which should serve as a model for all other institutions. In function of these tasks, the Office of the Commissioner also takes on nuances and is added to the national security institutions. The activity of the law enforcement agencies, which are very active in the United Kingdom jurisdiction, is also very sensitive from the point of view of the protection of personal data, the management and processing of data in systems and databases. Without forgetting the transparency that these institutions have in relation to the public, based on EU standards and the new regulation of the European Union. We have determined that the level of security measures adopted should be strengthened, the maintenance of data confidentiality, the identification and tracking of access levels, or the category of data processed should not exceed expectations or should comply with the principle of adequacy”, underlined the Commissioner.

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