The 27th Conference of the Chiefs of Defense of the U.S.-Adriatic Charter (A-5) takes place in Tirana, Minister Vengu: Albania unwavering in guaranteeing peace and security -

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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.


Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.

The 27th Conference of the Chiefs of Defense of the U.S.-Adriatic Charter (A-5) takes place in Tirana, Minister Vengu: Albania unwavering in guaranteeing peace and security

The 27th Conference of the Chiefs of Defense of the U.S.-Adriatic Charter (A-5) Initiative began today in Tirana, with Albania chairing this year. The conference was attended by President Bajram Begaj, Defence Minister Pirro Vengu, Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Christopher G. Cavoli, and Chief of the General Staff Major General Arben Kingji.

In his speech, Minister Vengu emphasized the commitment of member countries to collective security and regional stability: “Each of our nations has unique challenges, but we are united by a common goal: to ensure peace and security for our citizens. The bonds we strengthen here go beyond military strength; they reflect principles of freedom, human rights, and prosperity. We must continue to advance these values and avoid complacency or regression.”

Minister Vengu also highlighted Albania’s focus on regional cooperation, Euro-Atlantic integration, and countering harmful influences: “We must not fall prey to the interests of Russia, China, and Iran, which have no place in the future of our region.”

Touching on the Western Balkans, Vengu stated: “We must overcome the ethnic and political issues that have caused conflict in the past. Albania will continue to be a staunch advocate for regional cooperation and initiatives like the Adriatic Charter.”

The minister reaffirmed the importance of NATO’s “Open Door Policy” and Kosovo’s rightful place in such forums: “Kosovo belongs here, at this table.” – he declared.

Minister Vengu closed by stressing the value of collective effort: “In an interconnected world, working together is essential. NATO, the EU, and the U.S. remain indispensable forces for our region’s future.”

This conference is co-chaired by the Chief of General Staff of the Albanian Armed Forces, Major General Arben Kingji, and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe and U.S. Forces in Europe Commander, General Christopher G. Cavoli.

The focus of the conference includes developments and dynamics in the regional and broader security environment, increasing defense spending above the 2% GDP threshold as a means to meet Alliance capability objectives, and NATO’s planning and review objectives for partner countries.

Participating in today’s session are the signatory countries of A-5: the United States, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia, with observers from Kosovo, Slovenia, the Commander of NATO’s Joint Force Command in Naples, Italy, and adjutants general from the respective U.S. states of the National Guard Partnership Program (New Jersey, Maryland, Minnesota, Vermont, Maine), along with observers from the State Partnership Program (Ohio, Colorado, Iowa).

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