Prime Minister Edi Rama’s stance on the progress of the Justice Reform -

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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.


Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.

Prime Minister Edi Rama’s stance on the progress of the Justice Reform

The uninterrupted work of SPAK and the GJKKO in August deserves respect and gratitude! On this occasion, let us recall who promised, initiated, and enabled the Justice Reform after a long period of stagnation in Albania’s quagmire of injustice, when no one had the courage to even think about, let alone make justice independent of the government.

SPAK and the National Bureau of Investigation did not fall from the sky; they came to life as an expression of sincere and unwavering state-building will. They were not empty words like those of the past 100 years when I and the Socialist Party pledged to the Albanian people that we would build a new, independent, European justice system that would put an end to the cancer of impunity. This justice has been born today and is growing every day because the Socialist Party of Albania has kept its most solemn and challenging promise to make it happen in face of 100 years of mockery of justice in the history of the Albanian state, when no powerful individual or anyone connected to power was never hold accountable in front of a court of law and where justice was an abhorring creature, strong against the weak and weak against the strong.

Some speak today as if SPAK is the wave of God and the government is the port of the Devil. But they forget that the wave of justice has been raised at the forefront by the courage, will, and ambition for Albania of precisely this government, which differs as day and night from all of them which preceded it during the previous 100 years of justice obstruction. This government, and no one else, bravely opened the path of new justice and committed itself to never obstruct justice on its course, wherever it may enter, within the government, around it, behind it, or under its umbrella. Thanks to the belief that this country can be built as a modern democratic state and the strength of this government to relinquish control of justice and to support it unconditionally against corruption and organized crime, European Albania, which faces a thousand challenges, obstacles, and difficulties day by day, will continue on its path to prove to itself and the world that history is not an eternal curse; that it is written by the people of each generation with the power of their dreams, hopes, and determination; and that in the ascent towards the heights our future generations deserve no one and nothing can stop this country to write a new history.

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