Thethi as a European tourist destination through projects for the sustainable development of the area -

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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.


Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.

Thethi as a European tourist destination through projects for the sustainable development of the area

The projects for Theth as a European tourist destination, in addition to the benefits of property titles for houses and guesthouses, as well as a series of measures included in the mountains package, which is being prepared and is nearing completion, – are part of the government’s objective to sustainable development of this northern area, creating a balance between nature, tourism development, economy, culture and community.

In the meeting of Prime Minister Rama with the residents of Theth, the project for the Theth of tomorrow was presented, which, in harmony with all other elements, will facilitate the decision of many immigrants from these areas to return and with their savings to create much more income than in emigration.

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Prime Minister Edi Rama: I told you that there are 200 certificates today, but there are 90 more that need to be completed, there are two categories that have their own problems, just as we presented this vision, it is not a finished project and I want to thank Fiona. Fiona is the architect who works closely together with her team in the Municipality of Shkodra. They have done a very nice project for Zdrale in Shkodër. This is another project and in the meantime it is time for us to put this whole territory, not only Theth, on the head of an architect to follow the works, monitor how things develop, cooperate with you, cooperate with the different studios that you get to do the projects, so that things are done as well as possible.

So I would like a round of applause for the work done by Fiona and her team.

Meanwhile, a few things. First, what we demonstrated is a vision for which we also raised the respective fund. The project will be more detailed, there are some things that will be improved, for example all those roads that you saw, they will be revised, to become much more suitable for you because there is a lot of snow here and there is a lot of movement of material, from winter to summer, from summer to winter, so we will try together with the architects to use this natural dynamic.

The project will be enriched, it will be improved and we will do our work, but what is important is that you must understand that your property is not just the house. The house is for you an economic engine that works together with the surroundings. Therefore, I will repeat that what is around you must be fanatically guarded by yourself because anything touched around wrongly depletes the power of the economic engine that is yours privately.

Tourists do not come here because they have nowhere else to go, they come here precisely for this area’s characteristics. And therefore these characteristics must be preserved fanatically and everything new that is made, everything modern that is made must respect these elements.

The demand here will be increasing every year, there will always be more and more tourists who will want to come. The prices will necessarily increase because it cannot become a place where as many tourists come as Durrës. Look at Corsica. Corsica is an exceptional tourist destination. Corsica is one of the countries that has fanatically preserved its tradition. In Corsica, if you go to build without a permit, the residents will come and plant bombs. Dynamite bombs, to that extreme. If you throw a thing on the ground, the heaviest fine in the whole Mediterranean follows. If the trees are cut here, the value of your property drops. I am giving you a brutal example because I know you do not cut down trees, but I am bringing it as an example and the same applies to everything that is built here. Thirdly, I know very well that you have problems with electricity and on the one hand we have the project, Dritani said, that we have also received the funding to build the lines from Dedaj-Kopliku-Razma. Here with this sun, you can produce energy, but first we have to be protected from damage to the architecture from the panels and secondly, the state, through that package of mountains, will give you the opportunity to have support, to have facilities for the panels you are going to do.

The same thing with the banks, some of you here got loans at 10 and 12%, which is very heavy. The state must intervene, but all this goes in harmony with what you will bring here. As a state, we do not want any money from you, we will we make an even easier tax system. Today, you would typically pay 20% VAT, right? If you are certified as “agritourism” by having the title of the property and also offering the services, you have to pay a 6% VAT. While you have your own tax-profit as long as you are a small business, you have 0, but we want to do something more than that. We want to remove all taxes for building permits, we must remove all taxes for everything, we will remove all types of bureaucracy so that those who say, “hey, I want to come but I don’t have this and I don’t have that” to understand that this is where they belong. Throughout this area and in all areas with these potentials, people will return more and more. Here, now I met a girl that I see there, who lives in Austria, who will return here and has a problem with the inheritance of the property that is not a built house but a ruin there. And for this reason, it is included in that group of other problems that we will deal with and very soon we will solve. Why will she come here from Austria as a family? Unemployed in Austria? There is work in Austria, but the incomes can be greater here.

In closing I want to emphasize that this would not be possible without the help of the municipality. Voting is not fandom. I said, keep the party in your heart, wear the party flag if you want, cover the bed, sleep with the flag; but when it comes to the vote, the government will do the work and if the vote in Shkodër had not changed, all these things would not have been done. You keep the party for fun, but the government for work. I said this at the end to tell you that we must clearly understand that this is not a matter of fandom. This is a matter of work.

Thank you very much and the bests of regards!

Previous Theth, the process of distribution of ownership titles for 200 inherited houses and guesthouses continues