Minister Balla visits the "REGA", Air Rescue Centre in Zurich -

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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.


Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.

Minister Balla visits the “REGA”, Air Rescue Centre in Zurich

During his official visit to Switzerland, Minister of the Interior Taulant Balla made a stopover at the REGA Air Rescue Centre in Zurich.

The managers of the centre explained in detail the capabilities of the aircrafts, which are used in case of emergencies and when air intervention is required in the Swiss territory. “The increase in the number of foreign visitors to Albania has also increased the need for strengthening the rescue service in Albania, which is being transformed and is approaching the standards of EU member states,” said Minister Balla after the visit.

According to Balla, the Swiss experience remains an appropriate model to be followed in case of emergencies in our country.

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