Minister Manastirliu says 14,000 books of Albanian language and culture are available for children living abroad -

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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.

Minister Manastirliu says 14,000 books of Albanian language and culture are available for children living abroad

The Ministry of Education and Sports has funded 14,000 books on “Albanian Language and Albanian Culture” for children living outside Albania. These books have been delivered to the Albanian diplomatic offices, ensuring that Albanian language classes begin with new textbooks this school year.

The Minister of Education and Sports, Ogerta Manastirliu, stated that the ministry is committed to assisting these children, who will also receive Level II of the same book, “Albanian Language and Albanian Culture,” this year.

“We’re delivering textbooks ahead of the new school year. As we approach completing the texts at all levels in the Albanian language, we are all dedicated to doing all the necessary tasks as soon as possible, even in this year known as the “Year of the Albanian Language.” There are more than 14,000 texts that have been delivered, stated Minister Manastirliu.
During the Albanian Language Year, the Ministry of Education and Sports has made every effort to guarantee that Albanian language textbooks at all levels are completed in Albanian in Albanian language schools in Italy, Greece, Germany, Turkey, Austria, Romania, Denmark, Slovenia, Israel, Great Britain, Belgium, Sweden, and Croatia.

“We have carried out this entire process through the embassies for the needs that the organizations have for learning the Albanian language and Albanian culture, either for the texts or with other programs that we are establishing, such as the “Teachers for Greece” program. Books are distributed in accordance with the needs that our embassies in various nations present, with a focus on nations like Greece, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, and others where we have solid experience and established protocols,” stated Ogerta Manastirliu, Minister of Education and Sports.

Level II of the additional book “Albanian language and Albanian culture” was released this year for the first time. In collaboration with Kosovo, the Minister declared that Level III of this book is currently in development and will be distributed as soon as it is complete. The minister added that another new thing this year is the digitization of Level II texts, which are available on the Diaspora Publishing Center website.

This unique possibility, which offers several text modules for usage during studies of the Albanian language and culture, is highly helpful for teachers, parents, and children. Ensuring that our children have the chance to learn and develop their original language and culture is a priority for the Ministry of Education and Sports, which is dedicated to promoting the Albanian language and culture in these nations, Manastirliu stated.

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