Easier cross-border movement for Albanian and Kosovo citizens -

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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.


Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.

Easier cross-border movement for Albanian and Kosovo citizens

Citizens of Albania and Kosovo will be able to move easily on both sides of the border, through the border crossing points that connect the two countries, in the area of Tropoja and Gjakova. This will benefit not only these citizens, but also tourists visiting the two countries.

Today, the Minister of Interior of Albania, Taulant Balla, and the Minister of Interior of Kosovo, Xhelal Sveçla, were at the Qafë Morinë border crossing, where they signed the protocol on the implementation of joint border control at the common border crossing points Qafë Morinë, Qafë Prush, Shishtavec /Krushevë, Borje/Gllobočica and Orgjost/Orçush.

“The good news is that we are extending the experience gained at the Morina border crossing to all border crossings. The citizens of Tropoja will find it much easier to cross to Gjakovë, and so will the citizens of Has, Kukësi and Dragash. We want to make sure that in all these border crossings there is joint control between the Albanian state police and the Kosovo state police, but also to reduce time. As you know, for the citizens of Albania and Kosovo, control no longer applies. We have taken advantage of the opportunity that technology gives us to record all number plates through the camera system to have clear evidence. This is good news not only for Albanian and Kosovo citizens, as many tourists visit the beauty of the Gjakova Highlands in its two parts at these border crossings, but also for foreign citizens who visit Tropoja or want to go to Gjakova. This facilitation of border crossings is a good opportunity. For all those who have questions, who have concerns, I would like to say that this is a European practice consolidated in many countries in Europe, and therefore I take this opportunity to join my colleague, the Minister of Interior of Kosovo, in thanking all the working teams, either from the two police forces or from the two Ministries of Interior, who have achieved the full implementation of this facilitated protocol between Albania and Kosovo at all border crossing points”, stated the Ministry of Interior.

Minister Balla stated that technology helps and facilitates the process, in response to media questions about the technical content of the protocol.
“As we also proved it through the camera system and I would invite you to go through the entire protocol after communicating with us. So, if a car with Kosovo license enters from Gjakova to go to Tropoja, they just have to slow down and pass through, while the camera system module records, reads the license plate and the vehicle’s license plate is loaded into the system. To clarify, this only applies to vehicles with Albanian and Republic of Kosovo license plates, whereas control will continue for the rest. Never forget that the most important thing in this whole process is the unification, that is, the common control points. This is a very important achievement between our two governments,” stated the Minister.

Balla also invited citizens on both sides of the border to take part in what he called patriotic tourism.

“It has become a tradition during the tourist season because of the number of our brothers and sisters who keep coming to Albania, and I would like to thank all those who are patriotic, not only when the national team is playing, but also when consuming products, whether it is food or tourist packages. I invite all brothers and sisters from Kosovo to continue their holidays in Albania. Now they have the opportunity to visit the southern coast through the Llogara tunnel. I would like to thank the Kosovo police for taking part in our joint road safety checks. As a matter of fact, we don’t only apply this with Kosovo, but Italy as well, which together with the Albanian police guarantee order and security. Albania welcomes tourists and I believe we will exceed 14 million such, but, of course, the main ones are the brothers and sisters of Kosovo. I am very grateful to them. Even what we are doing today will encourage as many as possible, because facilitating the border crossing is always an incentive to speed it up and take a holiday in Albania. In the winter as well as summer, there are many citizens of Albania who have the opportunity to choose the beautiful mountain destinations of Kosovo. Both sides should have a sense of patriotism in terms of the choice of tourist attractions,” appealed the Minister of Interior.

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