Interest-free loans for doctors and nurses, Minister Koçiu declares the second program for 45 quotas open -

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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.


Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.

Interest-free loans for doctors and nurses, Minister Koçiu declares the second program for 45 quotas open

The Minister of Health and Social Protection, Albana Koçiu, visited the new home of doctor Blerina Merja, who benefited from the government’s interest-free loan program for young doctors’ families, enabling them to buy their own apartment.

This initiative comes as the support and commitment of the government for a dignified and quality treatment of the work and service of these employees and is applied for the first time this year.

Minister Koçiu congratulated Dr. Blerta and her husband Armando, who a few days ago became parents of two wonderful twins, Sear and Serea, and now, thanks to the support of this program, they will be able to raise their children in a new house. “Last year, for the first time, we opened the loan program for the purchase of a home with a 0% interest loan from the state. Out of 100 quotas, 85 doctors who applied benefited from this program,” said Minister Koçiu.

The Minister emphasized that the zero-interest loan program is a good opportunity to support as much as possible young professionals, those who are taking the first steps to start a family, to have their own home. “In order to restore even more dignity to the doctor and nurse, to all professionals in the health sector, successive steps are being taken, such as the salary increase in July, a significant increase for general practitioners and nurses. There are about 20,000 employees in the health system who will benefit from this new salary increase, with 15,000 lek for nurses and 20,000 lek for general practitioners on top of the current salary,” she said.

Health Minister Koçiu announced that the applications for 0% interest loans for the purchase of housing have been reopened and that the beneficiaries will be not only doctors but also nurses. “We have reopened the applications this year with 45 quotas where not only doctors but also nurses can apply,” she said.

Koçiu stressed that for the second 0% interest loan program, which has just been opened, the application is made online through e-Albania.
“Applications are open until August 14, so doctors and nurses who work in the public health system are invited to see the criteria in the public announcement that was made on the e-Albania portal, and also on the website of the Ministry of Health and Defense Social to get acquainted with all the documents that will be needed to make the application, according to the criteria provided there, so that, why not, they too can enjoy a new home as beautiful as yours,” said Minister of Health and Social Protection, Albana Koçiu.

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